Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The rain finally stopped for one second.
Leaving would be a risk, but I needed those salt tablets.
I needed those salt tablets so bad.
My time and supply was running out, besides its only a minute away to the drugstore.
But the risk, so large.
Everyday it haunts me.
Maybe I should just go, for the risk of not leaving is greater.

Out the door headed for the elevator, with my poncho in hand for comfort, I held my breath.
I'm not sure how this helped, but it did.
In the elevator I could see a leak in the ceiling board. I pressed my body against the wall. It was too close.

Much too close.
I couldn't breath.

Ding. Finally.
Almost outside.

I walked quickly towards the front door. Time was being wasted. I was wasting time. The rain would soon come.
 My steps launched me forward, my legs numb as usual. As I reached for the handle, in came Ms. Pigg. Practically thrusting herself everywhere with the wet from the outdoors, she barged into the building. The slow motion of the rain flinging off her body paralyzed me in my place.

I ran.

It found me.

I looked down just in time to see the drop entering the pores on my hand before my vision turned a cloudy blue.

The elevator doors stayed opened knowing of what would happened next. I met the ground with a silent thud. Twisting and curling in my place, screaming in agony, the elevator doors slowly closed behind me.

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